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Elektrisk Bureau Telephones
Above: two 1885 models. The wall phone had a cast iron backboard, usually painted black, although the first model had a slightly simpler wood-appearance finish on the backboard. The desk phone is found finished in silver or gold, although a good specimen is exceptionally rare. Courtesy Tony Falzon, who also has reproduction transfers for these phones.
Above: 1893 wall phone with cast iron backboard, Right: 1885 single cell wallphone . Courtesy Tony Falzon.
Above: this version of Ericsson's AB100 telephone was produced by Elektrisk Bureau briefly in the early 1890s.
Above: telephones from the 1890s - 1914 period. A simpler stamped steel cradle was introduced around World War 1 as an emergency and economy measure. The model at right was used in Australia in side handset form when supplies from Sweden could not meet demand.
Above: Wood and steel "tinbox" style desk phone for Rikstelefon , 1900s. Note the stamped steel cradle mentioned earlier. A version of this telephone with a standard Ericsson cradle and handset was sold to Britain's Glasgow Telephone Corporation. Some illustrations of the Glasgow phone in early books show it with Ericsson transfers.
Above: Two steel-cased phones based on Standard Electric desk phones. 1920s-early 1930s.
Above: 1934 steel-cased magneto telephone with an early bakelite handset. After these models, the telephones were generally based on Ericsson designs. Some are shown here.
Above Left:: DBH1001 bakelite handset telephone, 1931. Right: Type 37 in bakelite, Photo courtesy T McGuinness
Right: 1947 model in methylmethacrylate.
Above Left: 1953 model in plastic. Right: 1967 model
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